Keeping Trump Out Of Office Even If (When) He Wins

Posted: September 7, 2020 by gamegetterII in Uncategorized


by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I have observed articles on the net in the past few days about how the leftist Democrats and their “Never Trump” friends in the Republican Party plan to deny Donald Trump his second term even if he wins it. Trump is not a part of the Deep State Establishment and so they cannot allow him a second term to continue undoing all they have been working toward for decades in their effort to “Make America Last” in their drive for globalist world government.

Since the two articles I quote briefly from here are rather lengthy I will note the authors and the articles and recommend that you check both out on your own. But realize this–the people mentioned in these articles do intend to deny Trump a second term even if he wins one. They will…

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  1. Thanks for reposting this.


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