Plants encouraged as CO2 levels reach 400 ppm

Posted: May 10, 2015 by gamegetterII in Uncategorized

Outstanding !
Rivals anything the Sierra Club,NRDC,Earthfirst,Earthjustice,Greenpeace,or any of the other environmental zealots have come up with-too bad it doesn’t fit their agenda.

This must be spread far&wide,reprinted in the NY Times, HUffPo and WaPO !

Lawsuits must be filed to stop the efforts to reduce CO2 levels so we can save the plants!
Protests must be organized !
Parade floats made
Posters and signage printed up
Catchy slogans must be thought up
More experiments must be done to show that low CO2 levels harm plants
Pictures of dying plants must be taken
A polar bear on an ice floe equivalent must be thought of
The possibilities are endless…

Watts Up With That?

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball is writing on behalf of the plants.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that global monthly CO2 levels reached 400 ppm. They present this as threatening news, but it is good news for plants and animals. I was involved in abrief to the US Supreme Court opposing the EPAactions on CO2. I proposed we seek Power of Attorney (POA) for the plants. We would vote on behalf of the plants against any attempts to reduce atmospheric CO2 from the current claimed 400 ppm and for any increase, at least to a level of 1200 ppm.

Seeking POA sounds like an environmental stunt for the Sierra Club, or all those who claim to care about plants and animals. Why aren’t they doing it? Why aren’t they proclaiming the good news for the plants and animals they say they care about? The answer…

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