Beyond Storing Up Beans and Rice -Needed Things Many Ignore

Posted: March 24, 2019 by gamegetterII in Beyond storing beans and rice, Uncategorized
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Sugar/unpasteurized-(raw)- honey



Baking Powder


Soup bases

Multi vitamins – (self explanatory)

Why do you need to store these things?

1) After the first say 30 days or so- when it’s all about calorie intake,you have to start paying attention to nutrition.

2) Eating MRE’s, Mountain House,or other freeze dried “survival food” long term is really,really,really bad for you. Google the term MRE baby,and you’ll get why.

*Salt –

Your body needs salt,despite all the hysteria about how salt is bad for you – you need more salt when you’re more active,as you sweat more,salt also provides other trace minerals.

You need salt to make things like cornbread,bisquits,bread,cook meats,fish,poultry – plus it makes food taste better.

If food doesn’t taste good,you aren’t going to eat as much.

You’ll also need salt to cure meats,poultry and fish to store without refrigeration.

Which requires a lot of salt.

You need a lot more salt than you think you do.

Salt can be stored for years,as long as it’s kept dry.

Even if salt is exposed to moisture-it can be dried and used.

The salt you store needs to be iodized salt-it’s hard to get enough iodine from diet alone-(unless you live near an ocean,and have a steady diet of fresh seafoods-or like eating seaweed)-especially under a grid down/long term disaster situation.

Currently eggs and dairy products do contain Iodine,but that’s due to commercial cattle and chicken feed.

Your body needs iodine-especially for thyroid function.

Salt is also needed for medical uses-making saline solution,used with sugar for dehydration,etc.

*Sugar –

Many,if not most cures for meats/fish/poultry involve sugar.

Pretty much all baking requires sugar – be it bread,cornbread,or pies/cakes.

All ya’ll who like sweet tea-it takes a lot of sugar,you like sugar in your coffee?

That takes even more.

You will need to make alcohol too-whether for fuel or “medicinal purposes”

That takes still more sugar.

Want to make bbq sauce from the tomatoes you grow?

More sugar.

Want to make Kool-Aide type unsweetened powdered drink mixes?

More sugar.


Honey can be substituted for sugar most cases -so get used to it.

Americans eat way too much sugar anyhow – but you still need it for a lot of foods-and to make alcohol.


I don’t mean fully stocked gourmet level spice rack here-I’m talking just the basic shit you need to cook food that tastes reasonably good.

Garlic powder

Onion powder


Black pepper


red-(cayenne)- pepper



Other than the black pepper,you can grow everything else and dehydrate it once you run out-so it ain’t like you need 55 gallon drums of this stuff.

That’s the basics-I would add a lot of chili powder as well,because it’s more economical,and more feasible to just buy it than to store the extra paprika,cumin,etc to make your own.

Mustard powder-

Makes more sense,and takes up far less room to store it than storing prepared mustard.

Mustard is used to make bbq sauce, among other things – I’ll get into that in later posts.

Vinegar-white and cider –

Marinades and making sauces, salad dressings,prepared mustard,and other cooking uses.

Soy sauce –

Gallon cans are not expensive,and it can be used in a lot of recipes -especially making soups.

Hot sauce –

No brainer, used in cooking as well.

That’s pretty much it for condiments,unless you just gotta have stuff like ketchup or A-1 sauce.

*Yeast and baking powder –

If you like corn bread and bisquits,you need baking powder- if you like bread,rolls,- or alcohol – you need yeast.

Dry yeast and baking powder both store well long term.

I would go heavy on the yeast – because fuel,beer,wine,’shine.


You need fats to cook and bake -whether it’s from vegetable oils,animal fat-(lard)- or from fake lard-(“Crisco”)

Lard does not store well long term,vegetable oil store longer,”Crisco” type fake lard stores the longest.

There are oils made for foodservice that will store well long term,you can get these products at any restaurant supply.  Whirl and Prep are brand names of two of these type cooking oils.

*Soup bases –

Most grocery stores,and any restaurant supply carry beef,chicken and ham bases, that can be stored with no refrigeration. Look for one that does not list salt as the first ingredient if you can find one.

You ain’t gonna have a gourmet kitchen set up and be making fresh stock daily,so using soup bases to make soups and stews makes way more sense,at least until you run out – by which time,you’ll have your food supply and cooking fuel situations handled-or you’ll have starved to death or died of malnutrition or disease.

Soups and stews are quick and easy to make,feed a lot of people,and have high nutritional value.






  1. mtnforge says:

    I like the quality of spices these guys sell:


  2. mtnforge says:

    These guys are a good source I found has good quality products like spices..


  3. mtnforge says:

    Sure do agree with your emphasis on sugars.
    There is a rather productive easy to raise source of sugar I got to experiment with I see as a great source. Couple seasons back a neighbor gave me a quart mason jar of Sourgum seed. He talked about how his family going back 4 generations had been growing this Sourgum continuously and it was adapted to the weather and altitude up on our ridge-line. Needless to say it was a fantastic gift in my mind. Got together with my cattle farmer neighbor, we share property lines, he supplied the garden spot and tractor I did the farming part, we began growing this cane. He also had an antique cane squeezer, we had to do a major overhaul and build a reduction drive for it because it was designed as a horse driven cane mill.
    Anyways, ran about a quarter of an acre of the cane we grew through the squeezer, we sowed our seed kind of late like by a month the 1st year, so the canes did not mature to their full size. The harvest laid flat filled a long bed pickup truck just above the bed sides. Average cane diameter was about the size of a quarter and averaged 8-10ft long. Never the less what was run thru the mill produced 20 gals of juice. Fresh it is incredibly sweet, is sea foam green, milky, rather thick for a fresh sap. Word is it spoils quickly, so you have to boil it down like maple syrup. it has a number of “stages” of syrup as you reduce it. We used a hardwood fire with a copper Apple Butter pot sitting on a steel pedestal. The smoke adds a great character to the sourgum syrup. Hard to say exactly what ratio after boiling down gets you, because you have all those stages of reduction, but we garnered 5 gals of delicious syrup, about as dark as molasses but not as thick. It makes a great tasting cornbread.
    Last year we had a drought which really put back the crop, but we still had lots of seed to save for this year.
    Sourgum is very easy to grow, much like open pollinated corn, in fact it looks and grows much like corn. Maybe the two are distant relatives. Requires a lot of side dress fertilizer like corn.
    Anyways sourgum is a pretty nifty source of sweetener for us who live in a temperate climate.

    I’m experimenting this year with a piece of our land, see if the is perennial cane and will naturalize in this planting zone 3-4.


  4. mtnforge says:

    Hi Larry!
    Put a link to your post here on
    Great to see you posting about fude man. Like ammo, I think you can never have too much good info about food essentials. In our present just in time prepared processed industrialized modern food stream world so many people don’t have experience with straight up basic food, preservation, handling and prep.


  5. […] Beyond Storing Up Beans and Rice -Needed Things Many Ignore Starvin Larry has been around for years, a food service pro who has offered up his experience and knowledge regarding safe food handling in particular involving feeding larger groups under less than ideal conditions. Pay close attention to his points about sugars/sweeteners. You need the energy, and avoiding food fatigue is a serious concern, for the youngin’s and for mental well being when in a time of high stress and austere environment. A piece of candy or a spot of sugar in tea, can really give vital pleasure and improve morale and outlook. […]


  6. mtnforge says:

    Good source for bulk. Prices are pretty good too. Watch out for their shipping, I juggle around my cart contents, and usually can reduce the shipping with a certain mix of items. Comprehensive product line. Bulk spice prices are excellent. Great prices on heavy duty home processing size meat grinders and parts, sausage stuffers, cooking tools. I saved $250 on getting a meat grinder thru these guys. Vacuum bags are half what most other charge. Honey prices where the best last time we ordered. They are in Maryland. My go to source. We have saved substantially with stocking up in bulk thru them.


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